Audrey Hepburn is a legend. I'd always known that. But, I figured, let Mary obsess about her; I had better things to do. I admit it: I was an idiot.
Here is my new book (a present from Mother), recommended to me, of course, by Mary:
I have seen a total of four Audrey Hepburn movies over the years. (And plan now to never rest until I've seen them all.) My Fair Lady was probably the first, but that was a really really really long time ago, so I watched it again a few years ago to critique it with my new worldly, polished, educated mind. (I was about twelve, I think.)
THE HAT!!! |
It was a hoot. Pure fun from beginning to end. I wonder: wouldn't it be better if all movies were musicals? The costumes rocked. I don't know if I've ever seen such ridiculously wonderful clothes. The romance was delightful, bearing the crowning seal of the best love stories: she got with the guy. I love that. I came away rather wishing for a snotty Englishman of my own.
And Eliza Doolittle was bewitching.
The second Hepburn movie I saw was Breakfast at Tiffany's. Holly Golightly was a batty, charming, and unexpectedly vulnerable character, whose windowsill performance of Moon River left a deep impression, making me think I ought to try learning guitar. Anything to be more like her, right? Her presence and style combined with New York sixties awesomeness made the story unforgettable.
I awarded it the Romantic Seal of Approval. She got with the guy.
Hepburn movie #3: Roman Holiday.
I watched this with a sense of ever-increasing delight. The romance was charming, the setting was charming, the characters were charming (most especially the main two, the lovely princess Audrey Hepburn and the cynical news reporter Gregory Peck, ooh la la), the clothes were of course charming, and the plot quite original. I liked it so much I might even watch it again.
HOWEVER, it does not win my Romantic Seal of Approval. You see, (and forgive me for giving the plot away) She didn't get with the guy. Anyone who made a movie with these two in the leading roles should understand how important that is.
If I think about it any more I'll start crying.
And the latest pleasure, Sabrina. Now, to other Hepburn fans it may seem like blasphemy to say this, but I must admit that as a movie I prefer the 1990s version of Sabrina. It's one of the most
stylish things ever to appear on screen. Also, though I believe my dear friend the Right Honorable L.R.K. might assassinate me if she found out, I do not like Humphrey Bogart. In this particular movie he seemed overdone, somehow, next to Audrey. Of course, Harrison Ford played Linus Larabee in the latest version, and thinking "Bogart vs. Ford" isn't being fair to poor Bogart, is it?
There was a scene in the original which was thankfully not included in the later film, where a lovesick Sabrina Fairchild attempts suicide; that disturbed me a little. But, after all, the moviemakers at that time seemed largely influenced by the theatrical and poetic, and that's the sort of shocking thing they get up to in stories by Shakespeare and the like.
In spite of everything, however, Audrey Hepburn's performance in the original Sabrina was so endearing that it causes the film to rank equally with the remake in my estimation. One of those cases where the actor makes the movie. She carried herself as gracefully through the story as at any other time, and her clothes were charming. Oh, yeah, and it receives the Romantic Seal of Approval. She gets with the guy, you see.
I have mentioned clothes a lot. Maybe it makes me sound too teenage-girl or something, but I flinch not a whit when I say that one of the things I admire most about Audrey Hepburn was her remarkable sense of style. She was quite possibly the most influential style icon of all time. I pored over the wealth of photographs in An Elegant Spirit; recalled the many others I'd seen; recalled her every garment in the movies I'd seen. And concluded that she was never badly dressed. Never. Even when unwell and aged before her time, she looked like a million bucks.
This is hugely important to me. For those of you who don't know, I love clothes. Handsome clothes, that is. And Audrey's clothing was always beautiful. Her attention to the way she looked, her determination that no one would ever look at her and regret it, was part of why she was so well-loved and influential. Like it or not, people judge by outward appearance. She said herself that the clothes are what people see first. She made it a pleasure for people to see her, and then established their regard by showing them that her character was no less lovely than her exterior.
So why not wear Givenchy for a lifetime, if you can pay for it? Put it to good use, like she did.
Naturally someone who knows her story would not appreciate a lack of mention of her work in third-world countries, helping ease horrible suffering. I don't elaborate on that because I wouldn't know where to start. It would take weeks to write something that did justice to the subject. Suffice it to say that my admiration is undying, for she went though a lot as a child in Holland during WWII, and nearing the end of her life, she was willing to see all that sort of thing again, for the sake of doing a little good, and of making use of her passionate love for children.
But the most important effect, I think, that her story had on me, was the the revival of my long-time dream of becoming an actress. Thinking about her successes, her influence, her deep attention to the science of acting, sparked a hot feeling of determination in my chest which I know beyond a shadow of a doubt will never cool. That dream that I didn't think about much just because it seemed so crazy is real; true; it's going to happen. My new role model has seen to it.
I kick myself for not having been born earlier. Like, maybe seventy years ago. That way I could have had the privilege of meeting and perhaps photographing her myself. Wouldn't that be loverly? The photographer's dream subject: a woman who looks perfect from all angles at all times.
But it was not to be. She died a two or three years before I was born. Still, what a legacy she left. People like me, who paid little attention to her and didn't even share years in her lifetime, cannot escape fanhood for long. And because she is will always be fresh in the hearts even of people far past her generation, she is the only lady in history who will never truly die.
The haircut rocks my world. |